Purchasing a home can be one of the most significant investments that you could make in your lifetime. Just like any considerable finical investment and a long-term commitment, you will want to do your homework and have all the necessary checks performed before making any type of finical commitment.
A pre-purchase building inspection can provide you with knowledge of any problems, repairs, or imperfections that a property may have. A Building Inspection Report can give you the upper hand before you make any finical comment, along with empowering you with the ability to secure the best purchase price.
What is a pre-purchase Building Inspection?
A Pre-Purchase Building Inspection is just that, a building inspection that is carried out prior to a sale or contractual agreement on a building or property. A reputable company such as Coastal Building Inspections has been conducting Building and Pest inspections for over 20 years. Once an inspection has been conducted, Coastal Building Inspections will provide you with a comprehensive and easy-to-understand report. The report will be able to single out any issues with the property and provide you with remedies.
What services can be provided during a Building Inspection?
Coastal Building Inspections provide several different services for your needs. Some of the services that can be provided are Building and Pest Timber Inspections, Moisture Readings, Thermal Imaging, Pest reports, and more. For a three-bedroom and one-bathroom house, you can receive a Combined Building and Pest Inspection from $480 +GST. A six-bedroom and three-bathroom and above Combined Building and Pest Inspection from $580 +GST.
Is it worth it?
This is a small price to pay for an in-depth and easy-to-understand report when you are looking to commit a significate part of your life’s savings to your new home or property. It is important to have a full Building and Pest Inspection conducted on any building or property prior to purchase for your peace of mind. This inspection and report can end up saving you thousands in future repairs. The professionals at Central Coast Building Inspections are here for your needs, and should it be required, a report can be provided to you within 24 hours of an inspection being completed. Reach out to Coastal Building Inspections to book your Building and Pest inspection on your home or property.